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YesSoftware Forums -> CodeCharge Studio -> ASP

 Update Textbox with value from database with onchange event (client side) of a listbox

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Posts: 1
Posted: 03/21/2009, 2:53 AM

Hi all,

Pretty new to codecharge and ASP programming and need help with something and am hoping someone can help.

I have an editable grid, in the grid i have a text box, a listbox. When the user selects a value from the listbox, i want the system to update the value of the textbox with the corresponding database records id value so for example -

Listbox - Module Name
Textbox - Module ID

User selects Module item 1 from Listbox the system updates Module ID textbox with corresponding id number of the record Module item 1 through the onchange event

I have no idea how to do this and am guessing the onchange event will be through the client side not the server side.

Is anyone able to help me with this as am desperate and can't find anything on the forums.

Thanks in Advance

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