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YesSoftware Forums -> CodeCharge Studio -> ASP

 buffer exceeds limit

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Posts: 107
Posted: 04/13/2009, 4:13 PM

I have a page, displaying a grid with a link that exports to excel (used the method as in the example-pack).
Now I'm getting an error that the buffer exceeds the limit when I try to view the page...
As there are a lot of records, I guess it's just trying to display to many.
I can resolve this of cos by setting the amount of records to display lower, having multiple pages. This is fine for viewing but not for the excel export :-P

It must be possible with a simple solution to have for example show 100 records on screen and when clicking the link "export to excel" to export all of them correct?
Anyone a solution to this (simple) issue?
Thanks so much!

using: CC-Studio 3.1 / MSAccess / ASP with templates / shared host

Ok I figured out how to set the pagesize different when clicking the export to excel link:
If(CCGetFromGet("export","") = "1") Then = xxxx  

Sad thing is: When exporting the file, the excel file also states:
Response object  error 'ASP 0251 : 80004005'  
Response Buffer Limit Exceeded  
Execution of the ASP page caused the Response Buffer to exceed its configured limit  

So obviously the trick did not work :-(

Does anyone have a solution to this?
Again I'm on a shared host, so there's nothing I can change on the server settings...
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