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 Editable Grid Error

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Posts: 4
Posted: 10/01/2009, 9:13 AM

I'm not sure if my Editable Grid has always been broken, or if this has something to do with the upgraded software that I installed yesterday. But I'm trying to create an editable grid. My first few attempts contained the fields that I actually wanted. But after the errors, I thought I'd try it with a more simplistic approach and just used the fields: LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, MIDDLE, DEGREE

If I attempt to construct the query using SQL, I get the following error when I publish the page:
"Warning: Insert is allowed for EditableGrid EditableGrid1, Unable to build Insert based on the current Datasource settings (joins, SP or custom SQL), etc., etc....

So if I start over and construct using TABLE, I'm able to publish the page without errors, but when I try to make a change to a record, each and every record shows up with the following error directly above the record:
"Incorrect syntax near the keyword "Key". (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server)"

I don't know if I'm just doing something wrong, or if something is broke in my program. This is my first attempt at an Editable Grid, so who knows. I searched the forum for this error, and found it referenced in a couple of places, but the posts were very old, and mentioned they received a fix from YesSoftware. I'm using CCS 4.2, so I'm thinking if I needed that particular fix, it would have been included in the latest software version. Maybe I'm missing something.

Can someone please let me know if they've seen this before and how to fix it? Thank you so much!
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