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 Project Layout Help Would be Appreciated

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Posts: 21
Posted: 01/08/2004, 7:22 AM

I'm researching a new project and am having some trouble coming up with the approach, I'm hoping that some of you would be kind enough to offer your input. Heres my project (for clarification this is an in house project):

I have a department with four (4) divisions; each division has from five (5) to eleven (11) units within it. They have several applications they would like to have built, some of these applications everyone in the department will need to have access to, in whole or in part, others would be for a specific unit or division. A couple of the databases would need to be made available to the entire department while others would be for a specific unit only. The department level supervisors would like to have a home page that is specific to each unit with access to any division and department level news that is pertenant to everybody either in the department or everybody in a specific division.

I'm looking at the Portal Web Application on the site and I think that it would give me a lot of what I need; however I'm not sure if I need to use a single Portal for the entire department or should I use multiple copies, one for each unit? I'm not sure what the best approach would be. Or if I should look in a totally different direction.

I would really like to get your input on this, maybe you have a better approach to this whole thing. Any input will be greatly appreciated.

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Posts: 547
Posted: 01/08/2004, 2:14 PM

You will need to decide a couple of things:
1. If you are storing all of your data in multiple databases what are the "common" issues, security / users, etc. Does your database need to read other database data via stored procedures and views. (NOTE if you can't do this it will not stop you just SLOW YOU DOWN later.
2. What is the security method (LDAP / NT / Other).
3. Whar is the outcomes - are they clearly defined.

I have done a number of these and the 1st thing I have done is get GOOD database. I always recommend MSSQL2000 as it has everything that an application would want - you can get a copy for approx $10 - 12K. I cannot stress this to much.

The second is security - CCS over the database is fine - you obviously like linux so you make the call on authentication.

I would go for the Portal because if you don't you wan;t be able to reverse it later - because management won't believe you didn't allow for it in the 1st place.

From there I work from the outside in - usually find the 3 of the easiest apps and eliminate them straight away. People then feel that things are progessing and push gently toward a central distribution. point.

If you start from the Center you will continually have to come back and redo the center - and if is too fancy - the reworks are not productive.

Also beware of HARD COPY reporing - people will want hard copies at some stage so be prepared that you will a strategy for printing and distribution.

Hope this helps.

Accepting and instigating change are life's challenges.
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Posts: 21
Posted: 01/08/2004, 4:54 PM

Thank you very much for your very kind and detailed response Edd. I have done a lot of web application programming, but this is the first one that is so broad in scope.

First I agree about the importance of a good database. However this is already decided and it will be MySQL.
The security structure has been designed and is being tested at this time. As for the reporting we already have that in place and is being used successfully with several other application that will be pulled in to this project.

My biggest hurdle is that, though I think a portal is what I need, I haven't really got a clue of exactly what a portal is or how it could help me. I have developed a directory tree with each division in a subdirectory of the department directory and each unit a in subdirectory of it's division's directory. I'm using CCS, at this point, to build the home page template and this is where I started playing with the portal sample program and thought that it might be something I could use, if I only knew how to use it to my advantage. What I think I want is to have a basic body page that will be used for all units, pulling respective articles sepcific to the unit and division from the database. A header template that will pull a menu for a specific unit, and a footer showing unit members and their status, like "out of office", "in but busy", "available to see client" whatever. So in other wo rds I pretty well know what I want to do but am fuzzy on how to approach it.

Again my thanks for your very kind and helpful response.

Roger R.
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Posts: 547
Posted: 01/08/2004, 7:19 PM

Sounds like you have broken a lot of ground already.

If you still are a bit fuzzy one technique I have use in all my major projects was to storyboard what you understant of the system and the links that are to be made, i.e. grab a blank wall, a reem of paper - some tape, and some string and start drawing the significant aspects of the system as though they were web pages and use the string to tie the navigation together.

This accomplishes 2 things:
1. You (and more importantly, managment) get a picture of how big the process is.
2. You have an instant checklist of what is and is not done (i.e. as soon as a page is done it replaces the hand written screen.

I think I am preaching to the converted already. Good luck - I know it will work (because you haven't underestimated the task).
Accepting and instigating change are life's challenges.
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Posts: 21
Posted: 01/09/2004, 4:11 AM

Quote Edd:
If you still are a bit fuzzy one technique I have use in all my major projects was to storyboard what you understant of the system and the links that are to be made, i.e. grab a blank wall, a reem of paper - some tape, and some string and start drawing the significant aspects of the system as though they were web pages and use the string to tie the navigation together.

This accomplishes 2 things:
1. You (and more importantly, managment) get a picture of how big the process is.
2. You have an instant checklist of what is and is not done (i.e. as soon as a page is done it replaces the hand written screen.

That's a great idea Edd thanks. We have a wall in the training room that would be just right for this; I think I'll put your idea to use there.

Thanks again;

Roger R.
The best antivirus a windose user can get - LINUX!
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