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YesSoftware Forums -> CodeCharge Studio -> Wishes

 Source editing features

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Posts: 46
Posted: 01/23/2005, 1:52 PM

Hi All,

Overall a fantastic product which has saved me lots of work. A few annoying things that I feel could be improved. The weakest part of the product (imho) is the source editor and hence the suggestions are all in this area.

1. When doing a find and replace, I have to click "Find" each time I do a "Replace". Most editors will find the first instance of a word and when you click replace, replaces it and moves to the next instance. This way you just hover over the replace button and click your way through the document.

2. Mark all. When doing multiple mark all's. The editor does not clear your previous search. So if I search for "foo" and select Mark All, then a little while later search for 'widget" and click Mark All, I get two sets of markings in the one colour. I can understand that some people may want to see marks for both, so why not either show them in a different colour or have a clear marks button/checkbox.

3. Source Code colour marking. I use a few other editors and find they do a much better job of marking up the code with colours. Simple things like Dim (ASP) seemed to get coloured but things like Response.Write do not. Very strange. My Editor of choice at the moment is EditPlus and that even allows you to edit the syntax files so you can add your own colour coding if you want. eg. I often connect to a particular table which I want marked up in the code. So I just add that to the syntax file and hey presto, if is blue when I type it on screen. I would be really happy to see correct syntax marking.

4. Nirvana - Auto Complete. ALA Visual Studio. As you type, the auto complete box appears and prompts for values to complete. eg. In ASP when I type "repla" the replace command appears as a suggestion along with the syntax and arguments. eg. Replace(String1, "FindThis", "Replace_With_This", 1, -1, 1)

Any reading this who agrees or disagrees, please feel free to add comments as it is always good to get others perspective on this stuff. I looked but could not see any other posts for these wishes so perhaps I am the only one who thinks this way.

Many Thanks


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- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
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Posts: 26
Posted: 03/16/2005, 1:34 AM

Hi David,

As you asked...

I have to agree that the things I would love to see are:-

1) Custom colouring for source code
2) 'Intellisense-like' code-hints
3) Snippets library, having replace and wrap options, and can be added to by user
4) Section collapse and expand, useful for netsed areas, functions, etc
5) Along with external HTML editor, ability to specify external web-server-language (such as ASP) editor
6) Spell-check
7) Debeugger, even if a simple one that will at least allow watched variables, set break-points, look at system vars
8) SDK for allowing extensible features, such as actions, especially to promote 3rd party add-ins

Hmmmm... I am sure there is more, but I'll get round to adding as time goes on. It is a great product of course, there is no doubt about it. But, since there IS a lot of extra coding that gets done, some way of speeding up the coding-prcess would be great. Option 5 above might work well without too much modification to the current version I would think, and would really help with the ability to edit actual programming code outside of CCS.

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Posts: 26
Posted: 03/16/2005, 5:31 PM

:-) A few more things on the editing front...

9) Components: It would be great if components can be actually made of either a) code; b) web-pages; c) other components. In other words, a cmponent can just be like any other object that could be insrted onto a web-page, and the final result can also be made a component. This is a great feature of an OOP environment, as objects can inherit great features of other objects, inherit bits from them, and then have bits modified or added on. This doesn't have to be as rigorous as a C++ type of object, as a reusable component can just be thought of as a 'snippet' with intelligence!

10) Compiler Logic Flow: Within the coding page, it might be nice for really big projects to have a few 'compiler-script' tags, that allow for conditional 'generation of certian parts of the page.

I guess the above sounds like I am wanting something that is very code-centric rather than 'visual'. This is true in terms of the power that can be obtained from such functions, but with CCS's visual interface and wizards, the actual application by a developer to use such tools could be very visual, either with wizards or well-organised graphic tools.

Including more 'built-in' components of course will help a developer even having to go to such lengths, but 9) above especially allows 'anyone' to extend the basic set of functionality so very easily.

Well, just my thoughts...

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Posted: 06/16/2005, 9:58 AM

:-) I found how to clear the marks from a Find -> Mark All operation in Visual Studio.
CTL-K then CTL-L
or Edit->Bookmarks->Clear Bookmarks
Yes, I know, who would have thought they were bookmarks. I stumbled upon this trying to figure out how to comment an entire selection and an unknow key sequence caused the line I was on to have a "mark". This just after being annoyed that I couldn't clear the Find -> Mark All marks.

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