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 Assigning an Event ID to more than one User ID

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Posted: 08/11/2005, 9:36 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm developing an Event Coodination System for a company. They want to be able to assign more than one presenter to one event, which basically means assigning multiple User_ID to one Event_ID. Any input on How to implement this with CCS 2.3?

Thank you.

Posted: 08/11/2005, 9:37 PM

I forgot, with classic ASP O:)


Posts: 5971
Posted: 08/12/2005, 2:16 AM

You may find similar solution in the Knowledge Base project/example - multiple products and categories can be assigned to each KB article. KB example can be requested at , if you agree to the license/conditions.
Peter R.
YesSoftware Forums Moderator
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Posted: 08/15/2005, 8:24 AM

Ok, I don't have access to the knowledge base app. I've followed the link you sent me, but never received a confirmation email. Do you think you could give me an example instead? That will be wonderful.


Posts: 5971
Posted: 08/15/2005, 12:52 PM

It depends on when you submitted your request, but you should receive a response within 12 hours.
Sorry I currently don't have time to analyze, dissect and describe steps needed to implement that example.
Peter R.
YesSoftware Forums Moderator
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Posted: 08/15/2005, 3:29 PM

No worries Peter, I understand. Thank you.

Posted: 08/17/2005, 5:45 AM

I think you can start by creating a table with event_id and presenter_id as compound primary keys.
You can then link a grid form based on your presenter table with a record form based on this event/presenter table .
That way you can add as many presenters to an event as possible.
It is similar to assigning more than one employee to a task in the codecharge studio example.
best of luck
Posted: 08/22/2005, 9:03 AM

I took a look a the taskman example, you cannot assign more than one employee per task or am I missing something here?

Posts: 5971
Posted: 08/22/2005, 12:00 PM

Of course you cannot... Tasks should always be assigned to one person. If not one person is responsible for a task then no one is responsible. How can you manage tasks without assigning responsibility?
However, you can develop any system you want with CCS. The example is just that - an example with a lot of features missing.
Peter R.
YesSoftware Forums Moderator
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Posted: 08/22/2005, 1:41 PM


I don't get your answer. Charles sent me to the taskman example. I'm not an idiot :-) of course you can't do this I realized that, I was trying to see if maybe charles was referring to an updated version of the taskman example. I never took this example as a full apllication but as ..... an example you are right ;-) The fact that a task should be assigned to one person is besides the point here but anyway... I'm just a little bit frustrated here. Peter, you know CCS pretty well and I can understand that sometimes you must think that some of us are stupid. CCS seems really to be a great tool, the learning curve can be time consuming sometimes though. At that point I will be done if I had coded this thing by hand. I was just trying to implement this with CCS as a lot of pages have been generated with it... oh well

Posts: 5971
Posted: 08/22/2005, 2:23 PM

Sorry if my answer wasn't appropriate. I haven't linked your question to Charles' answer. Now I suspect that he was referring to these examples in CCS Example Pack, outside of the Task Manager:
Peter R.
YesSoftware Forums Moderator
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Posted: 08/22/2005, 3:33 PM

Thank you Peter, it seems to be what Charles was talking about. My apologies to you also as my answer was a little rough. I'm french, and sometimes the French side comes out of me ;-)
Posted: 08/22/2005, 10:13 PM


I took the "Updating Many-to-Many relations via two listboxes" example to recreate a similar situation. Instead of having Projects, Employees and project_employees I have Events, Presenter and Events_Assigned.

I followed the step by step instructions to recreate the page, the only thing that I don't seem to get working is the RightButton and LeftButton. Everytime I try to assign an event to presenters, I'm loosing the event_Id querystring parameter which on the example is emp_id.

Can Somebody point at me what I'm doing wrong maybe that will be greatly appreciated.

Table: Events

Table: Presenters

Table: Events_Assigned

HTML Code:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Themes/InLine/Style.css">  
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">  
//Begin CCS script  
//Include JSFunctions @1-7033547D  
  <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" charset="iso-8859-1" src="functions.js"></script>  
  <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">  
//End Include JSFunctions  
//page_events1_RightButton_OnClick @20-8D56A9BD  
function page_events1_RightButton_OnClick()  
    var result;  
//End page_events1_RightButton_OnClick  
//Custom Code @27-2A29BDB7  
 var AvailableLB = document.getElementById("available");  
 var LinkedLB = document.getElementById("linked");  
 for (var i=0; i < AvailableLB.length; i++) {  
   if (AvailableLB.options.selected == true) {  
       LinkedLB.options[LinkedLB.length] =   
       new Option(AvailableLB.options.text, AvailableLB.options.value);  
       AvailableLB.options = null;  
//End Custom Code  
//Close page_events1_RightButton_OnClick @20-BC33A33A  
    return result;  
//End Close page_events1_RightButton_OnClick  
//page_events1_LeftButton_OnClick @21-DF5E0A2F  
function page_events1_LeftButton_OnClick()  
    var result;  
//End page_events1_LeftButton_OnClick  
//Custom Code @28-2A29BDB7  
 var AvailableLB = document.getElementById("available");  
 var LinkedLB = document.getElementById("linked");  
 for (var i=0; i < LinkedLB.length; i++) {  
   if (LinkedLB.options.selected == true) {  
      AvailableLB.options[AvailableLB.length] =   
	  new Option(LinkedLB.options.text, LinkedLB.options.value);  
      LinkedLB.options = null;  
//End Custom Code  
//Close page_events1_LeftButton_OnClick @21-BC33A33A  
    return result;  
//End Close page_events1_LeftButton_OnClick  
//page_events1_OnSubmit @12-5AE93307  
function page_events1_OnSubmit()  
    var result;  
//End page_events1_OnSubmit  
//Custom Code @29-2A29BDB7  
 var LinkedLB = document.getElementById("linked");  
 document.events1.LinkedID.value = ""  
 for (i=0; i<LinkedLB.options.length; i++) {  
    if (document.events1.LinkedID.value != "" ) {  
        document.events1.LinkedID.value = document.events1.LinkedID.value + ","  
	document.events1.LinkedID.value = document.events1.LinkedID.value + LinkedLB.options.value  
//End Custom Code  
//Close page_events1_OnSubmit @12-BC33A33A  
    return result;  
//End Close page_events1_OnSubmit  
//page_events1_Button_Delete_OnClick @15-D0C8D936  
function page_events1_Button_Delete_OnClick()  
    disableValidation = true;  
//End page_events1_Button_Delete_OnClick  
//bind_events @1-8C6DD01B  
function bind_events() {  
    if (document.forms["events1"]) check_and_bind('document.forms["events1"]','onsubmit',page_events1_OnSubmit);  
    if (document.forms["events1"]) check_and_bind('document.forms["events1"].LeftButton','onclick',page_events1_LeftButton_OnClick);  
    if (document.forms["events1"]) check_and_bind('document.forms["events1"].RightButton','onclick',page_events1_RightButton_OnClick);  
    if (document.forms["events1"]) check_and_bind('document.forms["events1"].Button_Delete','onclick',page_events1_Button_Delete_OnClick);  
//End bind_events  
window.onload = bind_events; //Assign bind_events @1-19F7B649  
//End CCS script</script>  
{Header} <br>  
<table width="100%" border="1">  
      <!-- BEGIN Grid events --><font class="InLineFormHeaderFont">List of  
      Events </font>   
      <table class="InLineFormTABLE" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">  
          <td class="InLineColumnTD" nowrap>  
            <!-- BEGIN Sorter Sorter_event_id --><a class="InLineSorterLink" href="{Sort_URL}">Id</a>   
            <!-- BEGIN Asc_On --><img src="Themes/InLine/AscOn.gif" border="0"><!-- END Asc_On -->  
            <!-- BEGIN Desc_On --><img src="Themes/InLine/DescOn.gif" border="0"><!-- END Desc_On --><!-- END Sorter Sorter_event_id --> </td>   
          <td class="InLineColumnTD" nowrap>  
            <!-- BEGIN Sorter Sorter_event_name --><a class="InLineSorterLink" href="{Sort_URL}">Name</a>   
            <!-- BEGIN Asc_On --><img src="Themes/InLine/AscOn.gif" border="0"><!-- END Asc_On -->  
            <!-- BEGIN Desc_On --><img src="Themes/InLine/DescOn.gif" border="0"><!-- END Desc_On --><!-- END Sorter Sorter_event_name --> </td>   
        <!-- BEGIN Row -->  
          <td class="InLineDataTD">{event_id} </td>   
          <td class="InLineDataTD"><a class="InLineDataLink" href="{event_name_Src}">{event_name}</a> </td>   
 <!-- END Row -->  
        <!-- BEGIN NoRecords -->  
          <td class="InLineDataTD" colspan="2">No records </td>   
 <!-- END NoRecords -->  
          <td class="InLineFooterTD" nowrap colspan="2"><a class="InLineDataLink" href="{Link1_Src}">Add  
            <!-- BEGIN Navigator Navigator -->  
            <!-- BEGIN First_On --><a class="InLineNavigatorLink" href="{First_URL}">First</a> <!-- END First_On -->  
            <!-- BEGIN First_Off -->First <!-- END First_Off -->  
            <!-- BEGIN Prev_On --><a class="InLineNavigatorLink" href="{Prev_URL}">Prev</a> <!-- END Prev_On -->  
            <!-- BEGIN Prev_Off -->Prev <!-- END Prev_Off -->    
            <!-- BEGIN Pages -->  
            <!-- BEGIN Page_On --><a class="InLineNavigatorLink" href="{Page_URL}">{Page_Number}</a> <!-- END Page_On -->  
            <!-- BEGIN Page_Off -->{Page_Number} <!-- END Page_Off --><!-- END Pages -->of  
            <!-- BEGIN Next_On --><a class="InLineNavigatorLink" href="{Next_URL}">Next</a> <!-- END Next_On -->  
            <!-- BEGIN Next_Off -->Next <!-- END Next_Off -->  
            <!-- BEGIN Last_On --><a class="InLineNavigatorLink" href="{Last_URL}">Last</a> <!-- END Last_On -->  
            <!-- BEGIN Last_Off -->Last <!-- END Last_Off --><!-- END Navigator Navigator -->  </td>   
 <!-- END Grid events --></td>   
      <!-- BEGIN Record events1 -->  
      <form name="{HTMLFormName}" action="{Action}" method="post">  
        <font class="InLineFormHeaderFont">Add/Edit Events </font>   
        <table class="InLineFormTABLE" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">  
          <!-- BEGIN Error -->  
            <td class="InLineErrorDataTD" colspan="2">{Error}</td>   
 <!-- END Error -->  
            <td class="InLineFieldCaptionTD">Name </td>   
            <td class="InLineDataTD"><input class="InLineInput" maxlength="250" size="50" value="{event_name}" name="{event_name_Name}"> </td>   
            <td class="InLineFieldCaptionTD" colspan="2">  
              <table width="100%">  
                    <select class="InLineSelect" name="{AvailableListBox_Name}" multiple size="8" id="available">  
  {AvailableListBox_Options} </select>  
                    <!-- BEGIN Button RightButton --><input class="InLineButton" type="submit" value=">>" name="{Button_Name}"><!-- END Button RightButton --><br>  
                    <!-- BEGIN Button LeftButton --><input class="InLineButton" type="submit" value="<<" name="{Button_Name}"><!-- END Button LeftButton --></td>   
                    <select class="InLineSelect" name="{LinkedListBox_Name}" multiple size="8" id="linked">  
  {LinkedListBox_Options} </select>  
 <input type="hidden" value="{LinkedID}" name="{LinkedID_Name}"></td>   
            <td class="InLineFooterTD" nowrap align="right" colspan="2">  
              <!-- BEGIN Button Button_Insert --><input class="InLineButton" type="submit" value="Add" name="{Button_Name}"><!-- END Button Button_Insert -->  
              <!-- BEGIN Button Button_Update --><input class="InLineButton" type="submit" value="Submit" name="{Button_Name}"><!-- END Button Button_Update -->  
              <!-- BEGIN Button Button_Delete --><input class="InLineButton" type="submit" value="Delete" name="{Button_Name}"><!-- END Button Button_Delete -->  </td>   
 <!-- END Record events1 --></td>   

Posted: 08/22/2005, 10:14 PM

Here is the Events_Assigned_events.asp code:
'BindEvents Method @1-8CA0CB01  
Sub BindEvents()  
    Set events1.AvailableListBox.DataSource.CCSEvents("BeforeBuildSelect") = GetRef("events1_AvailableListBox_DataSource_BeforeBuildSelect")  
    Set events1.CCSEvents("AfterInsert") = GetRef("events1_AfterInsert")  
    Set events1.CCSEvents("AfterUpdate") = GetRef("events1_AfterUpdate")  
    Set events1.CCSEvents("BeforeDelete") = GetRef("events1_BeforeDelete")  
End Sub  
'End BindEvents Method  
Function events1_AvailableListBox_DataSource_BeforeBuildSelect() 'events1_AvailableListBox_DataSource_BeforeBuildSelect @18-F2574D28  
'Custom Code @30-73254650  
' -------------------------  
Dim PresenterConnection  
Dim PresenterRecordSet  
Dim LinkedPresenter  
'Populate multi-selectable project CheckBox list  
 If CCGetFromGet("event_id",0) <> 0 Then  
   'Create a new database connection object  
   Set PresenterConnection = New clsDBREALsMs  
   Set PresenterRecordSet = PresenterConnection.Execute("SELECT Presenter_ID FROM Events_Assigned WHERE Event_ID =" & PresenterConnection.ToSQL(CCGetFromGet("Event_ID", 0),ccsInteger))  
   While NOT PresenterRecordSet.EOF  
     If Not IsEmpty(LinkedPresenter) Then LinkedPresenter = LinkedPresenter&","  
     LinkedPresenter = LinkedPresenter&PresenterRecordSet("Presenter_ID")  
   'Close and destroy the recordset  
   Set PresenterRecordSet = Nothing  
   'Close and destroy the database connection object  
   Set PresenterConnection = Nothing  
 End If  
   'Modify the Where clause of the AvailableListBox List Box  
   If NOT IsEmpty(LinkedPresenter) Then  
	events1.AvailableListBox.DataSource.Where = "PresenterID NOT IN (" &LinkedPresenter& ")"  
   End If    
' -------------------------  
'End Custom Code  
End Function 'Close events1_AvailableListBox_DataSource_BeforeBuildSelect @18-54C34B28  
Function EventPresentersModify(Actions)   
Dim EventPresentersConn  
Dim EventID  
Dim PresenterID  
Dim PresenterList  
Dim GetLastInsKey  
  'Create a new database connection object  
  Set EventPresentersConn = New clsDBREALsMs  
  'Retrieve current project  
  EventID = Request.QueryString("event_id")  
  PresenterList = Split(Request.Form("LinkedID"),",")  
  If Actions = "Insert" Then  
     'Retrieve the last inserted key  
     'Use MS SQL method  
     ' GetLastInsKey = CCDLookup("@@IDENTITY","events","",DBREALsMs)  
     'Use a method compatible with all databases (unsafe when multiple users insert records at the same time)  
     GetLastInsKey = CCDLookup("max(event_id)", "events", "", DBREALsMs)  
     'Insert New links  
     For Each PresenterID In PresenterList  
       EventPresentersConn.Execute("INSERT INTO Events_Assigned (Presenter_ID, Event_ID) VALUES (" & EventPresentersConn.ToSQL(PresenterID,ccsInteger) & "," & EventPresentersConn.ToSQL(GetLastInsKey,ccsInteger) & ")")  
  End If   
  If EventID > 0 Then  
    If Actions = "Delete" Or Actions = "Update" Then  
       'Delete project employees links  
       EventPresentersConn.Execute("DELETE FROM Events_Assigned WHERE Event_ID=" & EventPresentersConn.ToSQL(EventID,ccsInteger))  
    End If   
    If Actions = "Update" Then  
       'Insert assigned employees  
       For Each PresenterID In PresenterList  
         EventPresentersConn.Execute("INSERT INTO Events_Assigned (Presenter_ID, Event_ID) VALUES (" & EventPresentersConn.ToSQL(PresenterID,ccsInteger) & "," & EventPresentersConn.ToSQL(EventID,ccsInteger) & ")")  
    End If   
  End If   
  'Close and destroy the database connection object  
  Set EventPresentersConn = Nothing  
End Function  
Function events1_AfterInsert() 'events1_AfterInsert @12-FEA7C1F1  
'Custom Code @31-73254650  
' -------------------------  
' -------------------------  
'End Custom Code  
End Function 'Close events1_AfterInsert @12-54C34B28  
Function events1_AfterUpdate() 'events1_AfterUpdate @12-318E007E  
'Custom Code @32-73254650  
' -------------------------  
' -------------------------  
'End Custom Code  
End Function 'Close events1_AfterUpdate @12-54C34B28  
Function events1_BeforeDelete() 'events1_BeforeDelete @12-0538E30D  
'Custom Code @33-73254650  
' -------------------------  
' -------------------------  
'End Custom Code  
End Function 'Close events1_BeforeDelete @12-54C34B28  

Thank You,

Posted: 08/22/2005, 10:24 PM

:-< I didn't realize that the code portion was going to be displayed so big, messing up at the same time the layout. I'm sorry about this.

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