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 Modify the description of a multi-checkbox list

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Posted: 01/18/2006, 9:07 AM

How can I access and modify the description value of a multi-checkbox list in a before show event, when the values of the multi-select come from the database?
Posted: 01/18/2006, 2:35 PM

Figured it out. Maybe this will be useful for someone else.
I wanted to put my checkbox list in a table and do a new row for every 4 checkbox elements. The only way I could find to do that is if I decorated the checkbox {Description} with html. Adding "</td>" to every description, but every 4th description I would add "</td></tr><tr>" which would create a new row. And of course, if its the last checkbox, only add "</td>" even if it is divisable by 4.

One of the tricky things going on here is, taking the CheckBoxList options which came from the database, modifying the strings, then create a string that can be used in the setListOfValues method.

I did this because I couldn't find a way to directly modify the description in the CheckBoxList object. If it is possible to do so, I'm still interested in knowing how.
Here is the checkbox list html
<tr class="Controls">  
              <td colspan="2">  
                    <!-- BEGIN CheckBoxList tc_projects -->  
                    <td><input type="checkbox" value="{Value}" name="{tc_projects_Name}" {Check}>{Description}<!-- END CheckBoxList tc_projects -->  

Here is the Before Show event of the checkbox
Enumeration enum_tc_projects = ((CheckBoxList)e.getControl()).getFormattedOptions();  
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();  
Integer optionnum = 0;  
while ( enum_tc_projects.hasMoreElements() )   
	String[] option = (String[]) enum_tc_projects.nextElement();  
    if(enum_tc_projects.hasMoreElements() && optionnum%4 == 0)  
		option[1] = option[1] + "</td></tr><tr>";  
		option[1] = option[1] + "</td>";  

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